Kyle Nguyen
4 min readAug 15, 2021
Photo by Eprism Studio on Pexels.com

What knowledge did I experiment with last week?

Write and use the Four Steps of Building a Product Strategy for the company's CMS team and deliver unexpected results. This discovery not only helped me see the problem more deeply, but also helped create a safe area for everyone on the team to approach, acknowledge the unknown throughout the product development process. company over the past two years.

What is the expected outcome?

The initial results brought a huge shock to the product development team and this is reflected in many dialogues such as "I thought..." This is known as the "wake-up-call" for the product development teams who have been following the direction of the Top-down management which believe that they are following the path of following Shuhari products but have not master the phase of Shu, try to do at the level of Ha as well as demanding the result is Ri.

How did I do?

Re-focus and apply Kano to all conversations between the Product Owner and the real user of the development team. Apply the User Story Mapping method to be able to coordinate, as well as lead the team into the reality of how users perceive the product, how they use the product and why they do not want to come to the focus group product.

What are the actual results?

A great mental shock with real users brought a completely different perspective on how to understand the problem, as well as how to approach a valuable source of information to promote the development of the product better. Listening and applying User Story to track related issues were also used in each product development team conversation. The frequency of meeting with customers and communicating openly has also increased compared to the previous Sprint.

What works, what doesn’t?

Using techniques in Product Grooming is important and highly effective, but it's important to avoid using multiple skills at once with new teams. Not only does this reduce focus, but it also creates unconscious barriers or impediments that can sometimes only be discovered once you've entered the Sprint.

How do I feel after doing this implementation?

Experimenting with and following Agile Product Owner practices is one of the few memorable experiences during my time working as a Product Owner at technology startups and especially in the Game Mobile segment in Vietnam, where the mission There is no single mechanism or model suitable for this type of business. Applying this approach reduces the risk of unnecessary misunderstandings, builds customer trust better when everyone becomes a part of the product being developed and conceived.

What do I expect to do next?

Continue to apply the lessons with the partners about the skills they are using by different names, as well as clearly define the definition of the technique that shall be implemented across the portfolio's level including when to use which skills to be reasonable, avoid confusion, causing confusion for the participants in the conversation.


  • Product vision
  • 4-step Product Strategy
  • User Story & mapping
  • Incremental
  • MVP and Product Roadmap
  • Product backlog
  • Definition of Done (DoD)
  • Backlog Grooming and 10 Techniques
  • Estimation and Planning Poker
  • Release plan and Phasing
  • Velocity and Risk Management
  • Burndown Chart and Effort


  • The product vision is a brief statement of the desired future state that would be achieved by developing and deploying a product. A properly envisioned project provides a definitive path that can best fulfill the project’s objectives or goals.
  • An Increment is a concrete stepping stone toward the Product Goal. Each Increment is additive to all prior Increments and thoroughly verified, ensuring that all Increments work together. In order to provide value, the Increment must be usable.
  • The Definition of Done is an agreed-upon set of items that must be completed before a project or user story can be considered complete.
  • Product backlog grooming, also called product backlog refinement or backlog management, is an ongoing process in Agile development, in which the product owner and relevant stakeholders make sure that: The product backlog has the right items. The backlog items are prioritized.
  • Velocity is an indication of the average amount of Product Backlog turned into an Increment of product during a Sprint by a Scrum Team, tracked by the Development Team for use within the Scrum Team. There is no such thing as a Good Velocity or a Bad Velocity.
  • A burn-down chart shows the amount of work that has been completed in an epic or sprint, and the total work remaining. Burn-down charts are used to predict your team’s likelihood of completing their work in the time available
  • In Scrum Projects, Estimation is done by the entire team during Sprint Planning Meeting. The objective of the Estimation would be to consider the User Stories for the Sprint by Priority and by the Ability of the team to deliver during the Time Box of the Sprint.

Relevant Questions

  • What could be done as a Product Owner with an Agile Coach mindset?
  • How can I ensure to avoid abusing the release train as a Product Owner, acting Scrum Master?
  • Is there another way of using the Poker Planning for the new team?
  • Does my team understand the Traditional and DSDM model?
  • Lean startup and how to work with team?

